"Everything changes, nothing stays the same. Make your peace with that, and all will be well." - Buddha
During my time in
What I have seen the past few days reminded me that sometimes we have to fight for a change in the way people look at things. Rather than offer real plans, Mr. McCain, Ms. Palin and their supporters offered sarcasm, insults and fear – yet again.
How can someone with more homes he remembers call a couple who recently paid off their student loans elitist?
How can someone rail against government in peoples lives while trying to ban books in the library in her hometown for being “controversial”.
How can you uphold a Bill of Rights that talks about separation of church and state and then propose teaching creationism in the public schools?
How can the most prosperous country in the world be one holdout for providing healthcare to all of it’s’ citizens? This is the question I am asked about the most when I am talking to people from other countries and it is frankly, embarrassing to have to answer. We are on the Japanese healthcare system and it works for me just fine.
Yes, I agree, families and especially children should be off limits in politics, but what about the policies involved. Ms. Palin is for abstinence education and against any sort of comprehensive sex education when study after study (not to mention her own personal experience) shows that abstinence education alone just does not work.
For those interested in the economy, read this article from the
All of the anger, the sarcasm, and the insults mask the fact that just a few weeks ago, the Republicans were mocking Obama’s call for change – now they have co-opted the message as their own. But so far, I have heard no details about what they will do different, but more importantly seen anything in their methods and behavior to believe they are sincere.