Sunday, September 27, 2009

Random Things

Driving up to Connecticut with our EZ pass, we come through a tollbooth and for some reason, it doesn't read the pass. A policeman slowly and rather menacingly walks over and asks us for it. Sheepishly, Arny hands it over. The policeman, without changing expression or making a sound, takes it and rather violently whacks it against the gate a few times, until the gate rises. He then hands it back to Arny without a word.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Birthday Girl

We used Ariana's birthday as an opportunity to have some friends over. "Brave" was the way some responded, having people over to a house that was still being unpacked and worked on, but we know our friends don't care. Or, if they do, they are smart enough to keep their comments to themselves.

Ariana decided the decor, which was a combination of Lightning McQueen, Pokeman and the Care Bears - let's just say she has an eclectic nature. We (or should I say baba) splurged on an electric "Lighting McQueen" car, which Ariana took great pride in. Sharing was a challenge, but most of her little friends got to ride in it, if only for a second or two.

No child's party is complete without a pinata and while it was one of the Kinder and Gentler one with strings attached, so all the kids just pull one and the candy comes out, Ariana wanted the challenge of actually smashing it apart.

Afterwards, we had cake, which she and Molly enjoyed immensely, black icing and all.

The parents were slightly horrified, but after all, that's what makes a great party.

Friday, September 04, 2009

My Big Girl

We talked about getting on the big yellow school bus. Now that she was going to kindergarten, she was a big kid and big kids go on the bus with their friends. The first day, all three of us walked down to the bus and waited to see it come into view. We carefully crossed the street and met the driver, Tina, and was relieved at her big friendly smile. Ariana returned the smile as she got on and before I could say "bye" the doors closed and she was off. I turned away and there were tears in my eyes.

My big girl who still likes to be carried and needs help putting her socks on. Who still likes being fed sometimes and tucked into bed. Who loves riding in the cart at the store, preferably those huge ones with the little cars attached.

This big "little" girl who likes all those things, can confidently climb on a big yellow school bus without a tear.

Time flies, doesn't it?