Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Still No Butter

Every day I search, but no butter. There are rumors of butter that prove false, a half butter half margarine product that thanks to baba san is sitting in our fridge and one stick left in the freezer.

But, life continues as I sit here listening to Ariana in the tub, singing and talking to herself. Every few minutes, I ask if she is finished. When she deems me important enough to actually answer, the answer is "no". If not, I get a resounding silence that gets me up off the chair to make sure she hasn't drowned.

My computer has been acting up, so I have been using Baba's, which prevents me from uploading the latest pictures. Most recently were shots of our adventures at "Baby Does Disco" on Sunday afternoon. An American import, it allows you, your spouse and child to dance to 80's music along with costumed "disco" dancers that bear a striking resemblance to John Travolta. Ok, so maybe not an exact double, but he did have the white suit and dance moves down.

We got there early, which turned out to be a good idea, because Ariana was slightly suspicious of the overly friendly people in purple afro wigs. It took her awhile (and several cupcakes) to relax and by then her friends had shown up, she was holding 3 balloons and one of those bracelets that lights up in the dark. Baba san and I got to see our friends and eat cupcakes as well....yummy.

I do hope to be able to download some pictures soon............

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

What, No Butter???

So I go out to Costco today to get our monthly supply of random items we just can't live without. My phone rings as I am sitting on the train - it was baba-san reminding me to get butter. "There's a shortage", he says. "What?" I say, vaguely remembering hearing something about it, but not really paying attention. "It's Costco, I'm sure there will be plenty" I say and hang up, slightly annoyed that he called while I was on the train, forcing me to answer and disturb my fellow passengers with my impolite "American-ness".

Well, I was wrong.
There was No Butter.
A sign, which I'm sure explained the reason for the "no butter" was taped up where the butter usually is. I left, feeling let down and slightly concerned. What does it mean when a country runs out of something like butter? How can a country like Japan actually do this?

I got home, having stopped at two of the local grocery stores and found their shelves empty, and went online to see what I could find. Apparently, the government told the dairy farmers to cut down production as there wasn't too much of a demand and now due to high prices and not enough cows, there is a shortage. People now hoard butter - as soon as it is put on the shelves, it is gone. At some stores, there is a limit on how many you can buy at one time.

I will have to become one of those people who scope out the stores every day and pounce as soon as I see it.

How weird.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Where's My Whip??

Ok, forgive me, but after 5 days stuck in the house with a 3 1/2 year old, one's mind starts to wander.....especially after said child decides to put on mama's black boots and parade around the house......
...... another fun activity during this time was moving her little step stool around to every light switch in every room and turning the switch on and off. Do you think she was getting a little stir crazy??

It seems like the past week was lost between sickness and rain. Ariana came down with a bug on Sunday and ended up staying home from school most of the week. We both made a trip to the doctor on Wednesday since I was suffering from what turned out to be allergies. It is convenient that we share the doctor - a general practitioner whose office is a ten minute walk from the house. It really is a family affair - her husband is Ariana's gymnastics teacher. We got our prescriptions, got them filled at the drug store and were on our way home, with this.....
Ariana's stash is in the back - 5 different liquids, patches and powder. Mine, in front is made up of 3 different pills - Japan doesn't do combinations, so for every symptom there is a antidote. For me it's easy; for Ariana not so. First, everything has to be measured out and then the really fun part - having her actually swallow it. For the most part, she is very agreeable - opening her mouth like a little bird. But sometimes.....SHE.....JUST.........
....DOESN'T.......WANT......IT. That's when I get creative. Her stuff has gone in her milk, juice, yogurt drink and water, with varying levels of success. The patch is definitely the easiest - she likes the new and different "boo boo band-aid".

Well enough about medication, the little miss is requesting pancakes and I better start making them before she morphs into "DeeDee" (as in Diva DiLaura, who makes an appearance when a certain someone doesn't get what she wants).

Am I Blue???

Monday, April 07, 2008

Living Pink

It's cherry blossom time here in Tokyo. Last year I was so preoccupied with the new people in my life (Jed and Ariana), I didn't pay much attention, but this year, with things more settled, I finally understood what all the fuss was about.

A few weeks ago, while it was still cold, I started seeing the beginnings of buds on all the trees. Every day they would open just a little bit more, until they burst out, seemingly all in one day. Where ever you look, there are trees - outside our front window, a single tree stands in all of its pink glory; outside the back - a number of trees scattered about. In the playground, two trees stand as all of the kids play around it, stopping to catch the leaves as they fall.

These pictures were taken on the Meguro river last Sunday....

It is a tradition to have a picnic under the trees. People reserve spots days in advance..

Yes, Ariana slept through most of the viewing, but did wake up to see some of the "pink flowers".