Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Coupons of Love

Arny and I are having dinner.

Me: So, Evan was voted most evolved husband last night.

Arny: I'm not going to like this am I?

Me: I don't know.

Arny: Ok, so why was Evan voted most evolved husband?

Me: For Michelle's birthday, he gave her these coupons that entitle her to time off from the baby. He will stay with her while Michelle gets to go to yoga, or meet us for drinks, whatever.

Arny laughs hysterically for many minutes and then is silent for several more.

Arny: I don't want you hanging out with Michelle anymore.

I leer.

30 minutes later:

Arny: So how many coupons did Evan give Michelle?

I just love my husband......

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