Friday, August 31, 2007
We're Back....
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Well, here we are in sunny and horribly hot
Ariana has been having fun with all of the old people here – teasing them, doling out attention to only the chosen few. The more they demand it from her, the more she ignores them, only rewarding the calm and collected with a smile or wave. It is amazing how competitive they are with her “she smiled at me!”, “I think she is starting to recognize me”, “can I have a kiss? (to which Ariana replies with a serious, very serious glare)……..well, maybe next time”.
I do think it would be great if every senior residence instituted a program with the neighborhood schools because just seeing her makes most of them smile. And they don’t do that all that often, because their complaining takes up so much time. Mostly about the food – which deserves it, it is awful. You know there is a problem when even the instant mashed potatoes are inedible.
Olive Garden – here we come!!!
Monday, August 06, 2007
Family Visits
Then......the pool.......note to self - do take Ariana out of her regular diaper.