Then......the pool.......note to self - do take Ariana out of her regular diaper.
We are off on Wednesday for another tour of the east coast of the United States, making stops in Florida, upstate NY, Canada and NYC visiting family and friends. Ariana will be seeing her grandma, nana and gramps, meeting some cousins and aunts for the first time, seeing her brother and sister for a short visit and having a reunion of her buddies from China. And of course seeing our friends in NYC.
I am preparing for a fourteen hour flight alone with a toddler - although after two previous trips, Ariana is an expert at flying. We settle in, and as long as I continually provide entertainment, she is fine. The only problem arises when I put her on the floor to sleep and the flight attendant gives me a hard time. I try to explain that the alternative is having a screaming child as she moves around a lot when she sleeps and can't do that in the seat, and the screaming will cause much disharmony for the other passengers, but they are firm - it is against the rules. So she will scream for some portion of the flight, I will walk her back and forth in the isle, getting disapproving looks from the other passengers ("don't blame me - direct those dirty looks at the flight attendants!!!") until she either quiets down or we land, whichever comes first.
The short flights are a breeze, although the hassle of getting through the airports in the US are a pain. But it will be worth it to see all of the familiar faces and have the opportunity to catch up.
And shop.
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