Ariana: poopy........potty.......
Mama getting very excited thinking she may actually be ready to do put the two together and actually poo in the potty.
Mama: let's go!!!!....
Ariana and Mama run to the bathroom, laughing. Mama gets the child seat positioned on the big toilet:
Mama: do you want to sit on the potty?
Ariana: NO!!!!
Mama pulls out the child potty:
Mama: do you want to sit on your potty?
Ariana sits, pushing the horn on the front on it and laughing. After less than a minute, she announces:
Ariana: Finished!!!.........................................Diaper!
There is absolutely nothing in the potty. Mama decides on the next course of action.
Mama: Do you want diaper or potty?
Ariana: potty
Mama: ok, sit down.
Ariana: NO!!!!!
Mama: ok then, diaper?
Ariana: no, potty.
Mama: ok, sit down.
Ariana: NO!!!!
Mama: ok then, diaper?
Ariana: no, potty.
Mama: ok, sit down.
Ariana: NO!!!
Ariana runs into her room and reaches the closet where a massive supply (thanks to Costco) of Diapers are held. Mama pulls one out -a green one with stripes (yes, the Pampers people are getting very sophisticated in their designs).
Mama: this one?
Ariana: NO!!!!
Mama: how about some underpants (a long shot, but what the hell)?
Ariana: NOOOOOO!!!!
Ariana then goes into the closet and pulls out the blue ones. They are put on. She runs away and ten minutes, not even, more like five minutes....after a certain scent is quite obvious..
Mama: do you have poopy in your pants?
Ariana: Go away mama, go away!!!!
She runs away and around. At this point, Mama is reduced to sitting on the floor, silently apologizing to her own mother for every bad thing she ever did when she was a child, because she knows it is "Mother Karma" - whatever bad thing you did to your mother comes back doubled - that is responsible for her child's behavior.
Mama: Can we change poopy pants now?
Ariana: NO!!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
as the child along with her smelly bottom disappear from the room as she races into another part of the apartment. Mama clearly hears the sounds of laughter as she holds her head in her hands wondering if a child can get into college while still wearing diapers........
..........the saga continues...................