Monday, January 07, 2008

A New Year....

Well, Ariana is back at school, baba san is back at a regular work day, and I am back to, well, whatever it is that fills my few hours to myself.

New Years was a lot of fun, despite the trip to the emergency room early in the day. EVERYTHING IS FINE!!! Ariana hadn't been feeling well in the belly and since everything, including doctor's offices are closed from December 30 - January 4th, we made a visit to the Red Cross Hospital in Hiroo, the next town over. We got her checked out, got some medicine and were back home in a couple of hours.
Our party went on as planned, but Ariana spent most of it in my arms, as when she is not feeling well, she wants to be held. That was fine with me. Everybody brought a dish and since we have a very international group of friends, we had everything from Gravlax to Casadias.

New Year's Day we went to a festival in Meguro, another town close by, and watched some taiko drumming. They had a little arcade and after handing over 300 yen, Ariana picked a number and had a choice of a tiara or a set of cars - my little girl, just like her mother, went for the cars.

We went back later in the week with some friends and she spent most of the time in the ball pit and racing these little motorized cars. Mmmmmm, I see a theme here.........


Irena said...

I've loved reading your blog. Thank you for the link! Your daughter is precious and I wish for such a positive experience as you have had.


p.s. what brand of hip hammock thing did you have in the photos?

mama J said...

a walking rock farm. They have a website. It's great - I used it New Years Eve as I had to prepare food and she wanted to be held. It's very comfortable and lightweight.