Sunday, April 12, 2009

Enlightened Sumo

On Friday, Ariana's school had their annual picnic in one of the many parks in Tokyo. It was the perfect day, with the cherry blossoms in full blown pink with petals falling like snow. Each class had their spot under the trees and the kids played as the moms watched. Our class, learning about Sumo wrestling, set up a ring and the kids took turns. Ariana held back at first and finally decided to take the plunge. She lost her first round but came back to win the second:

After her big win, she played again and this time, lost the match. She was not happy and started to cry "I won, I won" she cried. "Honey, you won the last time, not this time". The little boys in the class heard this and set up several other matches with one of them standing behind Ariana and helping her "push" the other player out of the ring. They were all announcing "Ariana won" over and over.

It was the sweetest thing - all these little boys taking turns "losing" so she could win. She was happy and I was very proud of the kids in her class - they have learned well the spirit of kindness and generosity.

They made one very little girl feel very big.


Anonymous said...

Would you have said that one day, you would encourage your daughter to push another girl sumo style? life is funny!
This said, the story about the other boys taking turn to make her win is really really sweet. Gosh, when do we loose this ability of feeling what others need and acting towards it almost effortlessly? can we regain it or is it another thing from the lost paradise of childhood?
LOL. Celine

Darla said...

Very sweet memory to have!