The challenge: eating raw egg
The place: home of Mikoto, Hanako and Eri.
The Dish: sukiyaki, made the "western" style; not western as in American, but western as in western Japan, which is where he is from. As in most dishes, each region has it's own way of preparation. This is one of several "hotpot" Japanese dishes made on a heated surface right on the table. Sukiyaki involves thin slices of meat, tofu, vegetables and noodles in a mixture of brown sugar, sake and soy sauce . In between plucking pieces from the pan and putting them in your mouth, a brief dunk in a raw egg is suggested.
Mission: Accomplished, with some trepidation and thoughts of salmonella coursing through our veins. The thought of eating raw egg was slightly nauseating but, we finally decided, after seeing Eri, age 9, dipping away, that it couldn't be that bad. And it wasn't. It was really tasty and softening the rich taste of the sugar, sake and soy sauce.
Ariana of course did not participate, taking one look at the meal and stating "I don't like it" preferring to play with Eri's toys.
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