Sunday, August 07, 2005

Waiting Family

Yes, that is what we are now.
A waiting family.
We went to a meeting for all of the waiting families with our agency. Some still had the paperwork to fill out and others had gotten their referrals. We met a couple, David and Ann, who just got theirs last week. They had the referral pictures with them and were proudly showing them off. Ann and I had a lot in common; mostly we both tear up over just about anything having to do with adoption. The two of us were sitting there with tears filling our eyes and then spilling over as the director spoke of her recent trip to China and showed us all pictures of CCAA officials and the piles of dossiers waiting to be logged in. Ours was one of them. Ann and I laughed about it as we cried. Pam passed around a sample of the referral paperwork we will get - pages of information on our child; health, abilities, likes, dislikes, habits. Ann and I laughed more as the tears fell.

Arny is used to the tears by now. Whenever he sees me sitting at the computer or reading a book and wiping away tears, he says with a sympathetic look, "you're reading adoption stuff, arent' you?". "Yes", I reply, wiping away the tears. I just can't help it.

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