Tuesday, November 20, 2007


As some of you know, I am in Florida visiting my mother. The trip was kind of sudden, as her health was suspicious, but all is well, so Ariana and I are now being able to enjoy the sunny weather and the ridiculous amount of attention she is getting.

Old people love children and Ariana has been at her adorable, personable best so far and result has been many complements, a quarter, a banana with her name written on it, a flower and a doll which we have not seen yet, but has been promised by one of the women who lives here. We were supposed to get it last night at dinner, but since we are just beginning to get over the jet lag, we were sleeping when my mother went down to the dining room, not waking until after 9pm. So, not only did we miss the doll, but we were up until about 1am, waking at 6 this morning. Ahhh, the joys of jetlag - the irregular sleep, the bad tempers, the headache that will go away around day 6.

Other than that, all is well in the sunny state.......

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