We are off tomorrow for Florida - and then up to Maryland to see Jed graduate and meet more of baba-san's family. Ariana will be meeting cousins she hasn't met before - come to think of it, we will all be doing that as long lost cousins will be joining us for a celebratory lunch. It is very exciting.
The 13 hour plane ride is not so exciting, but we are staying overnight in NY and will be getting a visit from Ariana's Godmother, who Ariana enjoys very much.
I will spend this last day getting last minute gifts and attending yet another May birthday party for Ryder, one of Ariana's friends. Luckily, the timing coincides with the time we must be out of the apartment due to some electrical work being done on the building. And most importantly, packing. Trying to get a month's worth of stuff for Ariana and I into one suitcase is always a challenge. It's not so much the clothes, but all of the other little things - wires and chargers, cosmetics and swim stuff. And shoes, shoes, shoes............