Ariana and friends Angelina and Maya out for a day of shopping in
Shinjuku - they have just been told that we are not standing in line for 3 hours to get
Krispy Kreme donuts at the new store, even if they are delicious..............they sense they are missing something special and are not amused....

Angelina and Ariana do get to share some crackers though......you can tell they would much rather have the donuts.....

Tess, having destroyed yet another one of Ariana's plastic balls......she is quite pleased with herself.....

She is smiling now, but just wait until she gets carried into her room and realizes it is bedtime....

Deciding not only is her butt small enough to fit into the doll stroller, but it matches the knapsack she has just now decided she must wear everywhere.. This is good because frankly, I am getting tired of lugging around the diaper bag and her diapers and wipes fit perfectly in here. This way I can go back to my cute little handbags and she can carry her own
stuff..am I bad???
No you are not bad....Mia's favorite thing to do lately is to bring me my shoes. Only when I ask for them, as in, "Mia I'm too tired to get up off the couch because I stayed up with you ALL NIGHT watching the Disney Channel, so, will you please bring me my shoes?" Whee.
Oh, I like this one!! Ariana does like to put my slippers on my feet, but not consistantly - perhaps we will have to work on this...
This is too funny. Chloe (also from Yong Feng) also has an identical doll stroller and gets so mad when she tries to sit in it and just barely fits and can't get the strap to strap over her. Chloe loves to be strapped into things...high chair, booster seat, etc. I'm thinking it was the potties they used there?? This just cracked us up when we say Ariana does the same thing.
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