Saturday, April 21, 2007

buh This is what I am hearing at 1:40 am this morning. Ariana and I are down in Florida visiting my mother and we both seem to be waking up around 12:30 or 1am every night and staying up until 3 or 4, as we adjust to the 12 hour time difference. The "read" is self explanitory and "buh" means book. She is really into books now - which is great. At 1 in the morning, it's a fine activity. The same book seven or eight times is slightly mind numbing, but at this hour most things are mind numbing.

And I must say the cartoons are weird at this hour. Not the little kid stuff and certainly not comprehensible by most toddlers (I hope), but I watched "The Family Guy" last night and was quite amused.

I'll be here for a couple of weeks, dealing with health insurance and doctors and other things I have to deal with as the daughter of a 95 year old mother, who, sadly, is getting less capable of dealing with these things. It is sad to watch a formerly very independent and capable woman realize she is not so able anymore.

On a happier note, she and Ariana are bonding over crackers which my mom is supplying to her at a steady pace. They hold hands as they walk down the hall, my mother's cane in one hand and Arianas' in the other. They are making each other laugh, which makes me cry inside because I know they won't have many more moments together to do that.

Baba-san's parents came over from the west coast of Florida this afternoon and we all had a nice visit. They leave tomorrow as "aunty's" Julie and Michelle (bringing Mia) arrive. The residents here are all enthralled with Ariana - with two litte chinese girls running around, they won't know what to do with themselves. I cant' wait.

I would be writing more often, since at this hour there isn't much to do (besides reading the buh), but I am on a dial up connection and it is so rediculously slow, I just don't have the patience. I will try though...

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