Monday, September 17, 2007

As I sit printing out pictures of Ariana's birthday party, I notice everyone seems to be having a great time. The kids are smiling, the parents are drinking, the food is getting eaten. I don't remember any screaming fits (ok, just one at the beginning, but it was over pretty soon after the party started and all was well), nothing was broken, no child was bloodied - I think it was a success.

You see, I don't remember any of it. I was too busy remembering to take out said food at the right time (I do have loads of cookies and cheese I found in their respective places a full two days after the party though), re-closing doors that were supposed to be closed (a very smart 9 year old said, when I mentioned that someone had opened it, letting the dog out in the process, "why don't you lock the door?" - duh. You see, every door comes with a lock with a key, which I did once I found the key) and generally making sure all was well. Here, see for yourselves:

"would you please stop taking pictures and let me eat in peace?"
" The Candle"
very smart 9 year old and Ariana opening a present....
"look ma, no hands"
"yes we're here in Ariana's room, totalling destroying it, but we have adult supervision, so no one will get leave"..
"please get me back to the safety of the bedroom....and this time, lock the damned door!!!! - don't you know these kids are big enough to reach the door handle!!"
"I have a balloon, I have a balloon, I eat a balloon!"
"Yes, it's my forth one - what are you going to do about it??"

Other than buying wildly inappropriate things for the gift bags (ok, so I forgot most of the kids were under 3 and ordered a bunch of stuff that when I got it said "not for children under 3 - woops!!!) I think I did ok.

Most importantly, Ariana spent most of the party running around laughing with the biggest smile on her face.

It was a "happy day!"

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