Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Still No Butter

Every day I search, but no butter. There are rumors of butter that prove false, a half butter half margarine product that thanks to baba san is sitting in our fridge and one stick left in the freezer.

But, life continues as I sit here listening to Ariana in the tub, singing and talking to herself. Every few minutes, I ask if she is finished. When she deems me important enough to actually answer, the answer is "no". If not, I get a resounding silence that gets me up off the chair to make sure she hasn't drowned.

My computer has been acting up, so I have been using Baba's, which prevents me from uploading the latest pictures. Most recently were shots of our adventures at "Baby Does Disco" on Sunday afternoon. An American import, it allows you, your spouse and child to dance to 80's music along with costumed "disco" dancers that bear a striking resemblance to John Travolta. Ok, so maybe not an exact double, but he did have the white suit and dance moves down.

We got there early, which turned out to be a good idea, because Ariana was slightly suspicious of the overly friendly people in purple afro wigs. It took her awhile (and several cupcakes) to relax and by then her friends had shown up, she was holding 3 balloons and one of those bracelets that lights up in the dark. Baba san and I got to see our friends and eat cupcakes as well....yummy.

I do hope to be able to download some pictures soon............

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