Since we've been back, Ariana has spent a large amount of time climbing on everything in the apartment, including us. We finally got the hint that perhaps she needed an outlet for this rather new physical need so last week Ariana went to her gym class every morning.
We normally go just on Sunday mornings, but during the summer months, the school holds week long sessions as people are usually looking for things for their children to do inside where it is cool.
It is very quiet, friend wise, during July and August as that is when many expats go back to their native countries for the summer. Add to that several friends who moved back, and both Ariana and I have not had that many people to play with.
It has given us time to catch up with some people we rarely see. And I have had a couple of dinners with my working girl friends, which is always much fun. Baba san and I went to dinner to celebrate my friend Gill's publication of her new book, one she wrote with her friend Sherrie. ' They are both professors - Gill's subject is political economics here in Japan and Sherrie's is political science and women's studies in the states. There was a great mix of people and we all had a great time until it was time to go home. In the cab I got really sad because it was the kind of night my mother would have loved hearing about.
But I can't call anymore.
1 comment:
Just caught up with your recent entries. So hard to read the entry about your mother's death, and so brave of you to share your experience in such a public way. I could not stop crying at your loving and thoughtful tribute to your mother.
I imagine it is difficult to process the magnitude of this loss. But it sounds like your mother's strength, wisdom and humor run through your every moment, and the many gifts you gave each other will continue to flow to Arianna.
In the day to day, it is unsettling, but I don't believe your anchor is really gone. She is there with you, every time you hold your daughter close. And all the six foot blondes in the world are watching over you both. (including me! OK, I'm not a real blonde, but without my reading glasses, the grey in my hair has a blonde hue!) much love from me to you, Michelle
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