Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Fun

We had a visit from Arny's cousins on Sunday. As you can see, Ariana was feeling chipper, entertaining us all with her jumping skills. Bob was happy they were so good, as his knees wouldn't have been able to take a hard landing.
Ryshin is getting big - at two, he is almost as big as Ariana. They played happily most of time and had several lessons in sharing after they were not.

The energy of the weekend disintegrated into illness after I received a call from school saying Ariana had a fever. She has been fighting off a cold for quite a while and it finally got the best of her. About a third of her class was out sick yesterday and two of her other friends were home so something is definitely going around.

But, we have vaporizer pig to provide much needed moisture in the air. You gotta love Japanese design. We named it Goldie. Last night Ariana slept on the couch right next to it and had her first almost full night sleep in days. I did too, which is even better. Thanks Goldie!!!

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