The cold season has come to the DiLaura house as both Ariana and I are sick. Baba san has been doing an excellent job of taking care of us, making food and basically keeping Ariana occupied so I can sleep.
We have also been making use of one of the more brilliant Japanese drug store items. Ariana is wearing it on her forehead - it's a gel strip that cools (for fevers) and also has menthol to ease breathing. Ariana loves them and actually knew she had a fever before I took her temperature. She went into the medicine cabinet and got one (I can do this myself, thank you very much!!) and then said to me "I have a fever". I took her temperature and sure enough she was right.
As you can see, Simba has not left her side for a minute since Christmas. She has taken it to her friends house and to the movies and slept with it every night. In fact, one night she woke up asking for it (silly me, forgot to put in into bed with her). She knows Santa brought it and fully understands the "ask Santa, get from Santa" concept. What she is having a hard time understanding though, is that Santa only comes once a year. She will say "I think I want to ask Santa for....", and I explain that she has to wait until next year.
Needless to say, she is not happy.
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