It worked!! She walked up to the big guy a little tentatively, sat down a little more so, but was able to answer when he asked her what she wanted. We all heard a soft little "I want Simba". And then a big smile when she realized she did it!!!
Now, she did get a little put out when she realized that she couldn't get the Simba doll right there and then. I had to explain that Santa (me) has to go back to the North Pole (Shibuya) and make the Simba for her (has to fight my way through the crowds in the Disney store and pray there is a Simba doll - or Simba something). Then if she is a good girl (and I find the time to do this before Christmas sometime before we leave for vacation next week) when she wakes up on Christmas day, Simba will be there waiting for her.
Ahhhh, the joys of Christmas!!!!!
If you are unlucky with your quest to the North Pole, we don't have a Simba doll. but Ulusse has two Simba underwears. With your magic crochet, you might be able to transform this into a doll? just know tat he refuses to watch Kiki now? because of the nasty crows.....At least, he was able to verbalize his fears instead of getting them out at night through nightmares....progress!!! but I miss Kiki!
Good job Ariana! Someday she'll understand all you went through to get a Simba when she visits Shibuya on her quest for something!
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