It pays to have a resourceful husband sometimes........................and a very large stroller.
On Sunday, my friend Darla and I decided to have a belated Thanksgiving. Since I had the larger oven, one that could actually fit a turkey, it was decided to have it at my house, so early Sunday morning, I put the turkey in the oven and started on the rest of my dishes. Darla would bring her stuffing, sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie over around 1pm and we would eat.
Everyone was dressed, the table was set and stomachs were beginning to growl when the phone rang about 12:45:
Ryder was running a fever.
Now for all of you who have children, you know what that means. The balancing of two thoughts: "I must take care of my child" with "can we still make it?"
Having been in this situation many times myself (and with the turkey just about ready to come out of the oven) I said we would just wheel the turkey over there. Luckily Darla lives close - about a 5 minute walk.
So, as I was starting on the gravy, baba san rigged up the "turkey delivery devise" and wheeled it over. I followed once I had finished the gravy and a wonderful dinner followed, with a revived Ryder partaking just a little bit.

Sometimes it really does pay to roll with the flow, or should I say turkey..................
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