We stayed at Nana and Gramps place, in one of the guest apartments. It was nice being so close and not having to get in the car to go back and forth to a hotel. Ariana had mixed feelings about it though as she was the subject of so much attention. Since Arny's parents live in a senior residence, they don't see many little kids, so each one that shows up is treated like a celebrity. They had their work cut out for them with Ariana though, as she is mostly silent around strangers and the more they push the more she pulls away. The sense of victory showed when one of them could get her to even look at them and if she waved or actually spoke, the luckily individual had bragging rights for days. More often than not, their words were meant by a blank stare, or, if the conversation seeker was intrusive, a defiant look away. This frustrated them to no end, as they believed themselves to be "so good with children". Hah, not mine. She did take a liking to another guest there, a man who had a very large camera. Ariana took mine and they had a little contest, first snapping pictures of the fish in the large tank in the lobby and then of each other.
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