Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Strollers fit for an Adult

or someone who looks like an adult, but is truly still in child and in no way should be given authority over one...only kidding!!!!I went to visit Lori and Juliana today and I really don't know how it happened, but I ended up with Juliana in my lap as I piloted the two of us around the apartment in the stroller. Me...my butt....in the stroller......it was kinda fun...ok, now before you think I have totally lost my mind, let me explain. Juliana was not taking to the stroller too well and Lori really wanted to get out of the apartment and give her arms a rest after carrying Juliana around all day. I thought maybe if I got in with her and made it into a game, she may feel better about be strapped into a devise that puts her at calf level with the rest of the world and face to face with anything on a leash that she happens to pass.

It worked....

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