...listening to husband-san instructing Jed-san on how to do the dishes.
You see, Jed-san has a habit of leaving things around the house..things like plates and dishes and empty bottles and things. So today, we decided to MAKE HIM PAY!!!!!
Barely awake, we lulled him into a false sense of security by making breakfast and inviting him to join us. This was his first mistake. He actually got out of bed, came to the table in the usual Sunday morning stupor and ate.
Then, the fun began. We very calmly told him that his typical teenage slobbiness was not acceptable and that his penance was to do the breakfast dishes - not just his plate, but everything else. Looking stunned, kind of like a deer caught in headlights, he slowly picked up his dish and made his way to the kitchen, perhaps thinking this was all a bad dream. But NOOOOOOO, as the realization hit him that he was not sleep walking but in fact fully awake, he did realize for the first time that he never should have woken up this morning. Slowly he made his way back to the dining table to get our dishes, taking a quick slug of husband-sans champagne for which he was promptly chastised. Diligently he cleaned and washed and cleaned some more, probably cursing us with every stroke of the sponge. Finishing, or so he thought, he quickly headed for his room. NOT SO FAST BUDDY. I laughed as I entered the kitchen, seeing the eggshells and empty coffee cups still in the sink and the bacon pan still on the stove. "Jeeddddd" husband-san bellowed as I retired to the dining room to luxuriate in the knowledge that I DON'T HAVE TO DO THE DISHES!!!!
So here I sit, listening to husband-san instructing Jed on
the proper way to clean a pan, load the dishwasher and operate the disposer.
this is the best Sunday ever!!