Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Franciscans

The pieces are slowly coming together and by the end of the week, we should have travel dates. We should also have updates on our daughter. In the meantime, I am preparing. Calling pediatricians, finding playgroups and checking into early intervention services just in case and most importantly - shopping.

Saturday morning Debra and I went to a rummage sale at the Franciscan church, spending hours pouring over the mounds of baby clothes. Taking my cue from Debra, an expert in rummaging, I threw everything I thought might fit into a big garbage bag and then, after my eyes started glazing over, pulled the bag over to a corner and sat down to go through my haul. So much pink!!! As people politely (this is Japan) stepped over us, we sorted and debated and traded until we had used up every bit of fashion judgment we had and called it a day. 3500 yen later (about $30 US), I had two shopping bags filled with the least frilly but still mostly pink clothing – most barely worn. After a deep breath, we checked our clothing bags and moved into the “toy” room. I lasted only a few minutes, but long enough to pick up a few things – all very educational and not pink. Finally done, we stopped outside and ate at the little “restaurant” set up in front of the church, where we caught our breath, watched the activity and congratulated each other on our fabulous finds. Now, neither of us are quite sure exactly what “Franciscans” are, but they do put on a fine sale.

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