Tuesday, September 19, 2006

"The Name"

In trying to make plane reservations for the holidays, one thing becomes evident - you cannot book a seat without a name. A last name is not good enough, there must be a first as well. And it must match exactly the name on the passport. Here is the dilemma - we don't have a name yet, because we don't have a baby yet. We don't have a passport for said nameless baby for the same reason. Now while we don't actually need the passport yet, we do need the name.

Months ago, before we had even sent off the paperwork, we discussed names. We came up with a few we liked and one we really liked and thought, ok, if when we see the picture, if "the name" fits, "the name" shall be hers. Fine. Ok. On to the next thought. Fast forward months and months and months. And months.

And months.

I frantically email husband-san informing him of this latest obstacle and asks if he still likes "the name". "Yes", he said. Ok then. And then, the spelling of "the name"? There are several variations. Which one to choose? More emails fly by and we choose the one not like the famous person of the same name (probably not who you are thinking of). But. What if she doesn't look like a "the name"? "What if by some slight chance she turns out to be a "he" - rare, but it has happened. Booking these flights means it will be permanent - she will be permanent - she will be real. And if she turns out to be "he", "he" will be in big trouble. Booking these flights means "the name" will be printed on a couple of e-tickets floating around in cyberspace. A name that is not yet attached to a face, but certainly attached to the family. Am I ready for this? It's too soon..........................................................

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