Saturday, May 29, 2010

Worth the Wait

After two visits from the gas company that installed the stove and another two visits from the manufacturer's repair company, it finally works!!!! Had the gas company guy installed it right in the first place, we would not have had the many phone calls and aggravation that have made the past two weeks extremely unpleasant.

The first time it didn't work, shortly after they hooked it up, we called the gas company. The guy who had installed it shows up, turns on the stove (of course it worked for HIM) and then looked at me like I was nuts and said "it works now".

The second time it didn't work, we called the manufacturer, who called their authorized repair person. Of course, when they showed up it worked, so he checked things, said all was well and left.

The third time it didn't work, and keep in mind it usually decided not to work at dinnertime, we started keeping a log - turning it on at various points in the day and recording what happened. We thought and thought, coming up with the many theories on what was happening - was it the temperature? would it light with a match? We also called the manufacturer again, explaining in detail what was wrong. He again sent the repair person, who again tried it and of course, it worked. UURRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!

After multiple phonecalls to the manufacturer by both baba san and myself, the problem was finally diagnosed.
The gas company was called.
They came.
They admitted guilt.
They fixed.
We cooked.
We ate.

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