It was held on the Embassy residences, a complex that looks very much like any housing complex in the U.S., with several moderately sized buildings separated by large patches of grass. The party was staffed by the complex residents and it was nice to see the diversity so prevalent in the U.S. - a nice change from the homogeneous world of Japan.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
It was held on the Embassy residences, a complex that looks very much like any housing complex in the U.S., with several moderately sized buildings separated by large patches of grass. The party was staffed by the complex residents and it was nice to see the diversity so prevalent in the U.S. - a nice change from the homogeneous world of Japan.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Pants.....Pants..... Pants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and gets placed on the couch for a bit before getting transported to her bed, at which time her pants (and hat) are removed.............
Sunday, June 17, 2007
"You'd think these things would come with a mute button"
"No, NO, NOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!" it seemed none of her pretty little dresses would do. Lately she prefers pants, mostly jeans, and was having a hard time understanding that today was special and jeans would not do. I left her to let her be "DeeDee" for awhile and Baba-san entered. A few minutes later, not only was she in a very pretty dress, but was sitting down quietly putting on her shoes (not the little Ugg like boots she wanted to wear) without a tear being shed. Because Baba-san was taking care of everything.You see, it's the little things that count. The soft voice explaining about how wearing a dress today " would be so nice". The reading, the piggy back rides, the Baba-dancing at bed time.
Shortly after I met Baba-san (before he was Baba-san) and very shortly after I met Jed and Kelsey, I witnessed a conversation between the three of them that made me realise what a good father he was. It was a difficult conversation and it could have gone so many unhealthy ways. He could have lied. He could have lashed out in anger. But it didn't. He was honest and straightforward. The words he used showed me how much he cared about his children, how much he respected them, how much he loved them.
I fell in love with him on that day.
And now I get the pleasure every day to see that same care and love and respect.
I picked good.
Happy Father's Day Baba!!!!
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Screams and Cheese
1) taking her out of school and just keeping her home, joining the many homeschooling families all over the world.
2) having baba-san drop her off as I find it too hard to see her little face. I keep having flashbacks to the day we got her and how she screamed out in terror and anger for her caretaker.
3) re-allocating her savings and putting more into the "therapy fund" as all of this is probably traumatising her for life (see point #2 - forget about my flashbacks, I'm more worried about hers).
You see, with an adopted child, it is very difficult to determine what is just normal everyday separation anxiety and what is adoption related trauma. And for adoptive parents, that is the big dilemma. How do you know? For every instance of "adopted child" behavior I read about in all of the books, there was an example of the same behavior seen in my friend's "home grown" children.
In this instance, is the separation from me too traumatic for her - saying "goodbye" is getting worse every time; or, is her behavior normal for any child who is being separated from her mother for the first time?
As it turns out, she did stop crying. She played. She danced around and was apparently sharing kisses with another little girl (not that there's anything wrong with theat), she built a very tall Lego tower, and ate a little bit of her pasta and many cheese balls (round little balls of cheese individually wrapped and found in most grocery stores. She likes the plain ones, but they also have ones that taste like little bits of cheesecake - yummy!!!).
When I picked her up, she was a little whimpery when she saw me, but was quite talkative and said goodbye to everyone. So, we will continue going to school..........
.............and putting a little money into the "therapy fund", just in case.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
The Guilt.....
I sat holding her for awhile outside the classroom saying over and over "mommy comes back". But she wasn't having any of it. I carried her into the classroom and still, she wouldn't let go. Bringing her to the blocks, she played for a little while, but once I suggested she go and play with her new friends, she was back in my lap, holding on to my neck with a firm grip.
At one point the teacher came and tried to pull her away from me. Big mistake - she screamed and I had a flashback to the day we got her and the scream as she was pulled from her nanny. With a look that said "back off" I said to the teacher to leave her with me for a few minutes, wondering how bad it would be to just keep her with me until she goes off to college, because hearing that scream and seeing that face filled with terror was just too hard.
I carried her to the slide and she reluctantly played for awhile and then we sat down. The teacher came over and sat and I told Ariana again how I would be back. The teacher said she would call if she was having a bad day.
She cried.
I left.
She cried.
I stood outside the door and listened.
The crying stopped.
I risked a peek and saw her sitting in the teacher's lap.
I left.
And waited.
For the phone to ring.
I'm still waiting.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
The ladies there had brought extra yukatas (summer festival kimonos) and graciously let me wear one and even more graciously put it on me. For those who think that red sash is easy to put on - wrong. It is actually three separate sashes; the first to tie up the kimono to the proper length, the second to secure the first and the last is the obi, or sash. While many older women are skilled enough to be able to do it themselves, most younger women (many times not as interested in tradition) actually go to a salon to have them tied properly. There are women who give classes in proper Kimono wearing it is such an intricate procedure. I was in awe as the woman pulled and pushed and spun me around until I had a beautifully fitting robe and my red sash secured with an expertly tied bow.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
You think she would have cried....
Today was her first day of pre-school. Backpack packed, we left the house not knowing what to expect. Arriving at the school a little early, she looked around expectantly as I filled out the paperwork. As the children started to arrive, she recognized a few she met the previous week at the trial class. She took off her shoes and entered the classroom, walking around and letting herself be led by one of the teachers to the "ball pit" to play.
I stood around talking to the teachers and answering more questions as she was helped out of the pit and went to play with the other kids. I could tell she didn't quite know what was going to happen and mentioned a couple of times to her that she was going to stay and play and I was going to leave.
Finally, it was time.
To Leave.
To Leave.
Ok, I'm leaving.
I left the room and stood for a minute or two for "the sound".
The sound of fear, of "mama don't leave", of "I need you".
There was silence.
I left, holding the phone "just in case they needed to reach me", as I had mentioned quite a few times to both teachers and the women at the front desk.
Four hours later, the phone not ringing once, I re-entered the school, trying to stay hidden so I could watch her. One of the boys pointed and said "Ariana mama" and I ducked back, waiting for a sound.
There was none.
Finally, she saw me and smiled a huge grin, running to me and then turning and running away. The kids were playing a game and she wanted to continue to play and I watched as she ran to me and then away, laughing.
She was happy.
I left the entrance and that is when "the sound" started. I went back into view and she kept crying, so I went in and held her and told her I would always be there to pick her up.
And I did.
And held her tight and that is what she seemed to need at that moment as she stopped crying immediately and was still.
I held her tight as that is what I needed at that moment.
To let her know I would always be there.
To pick her up.
We finished the class together and she got her new little school bag and climbed into her stroller and immediately fell asleep.
Monday, June 04, 2007
Ariana's Week

No Swiping Wipies
Friday, June 01, 2007
Art and Anger

After being asked nicely twice to put the dishes, glasses and silverware left in the sink the previous night into the dishwasher, I go into the kitchen and low and behold, the one plate was in fact in the dishwasher, but the rest of it was still sitting in the sink. Did I need to specify that "dishes" included said glasses and silverware? To top it off, I open the fridge and there, right in front of my eyes, is an empty tupperware container. EMPTY!!!!Perhaps I should start blasting Aretha Frankin's "Respect" into his room whenever he is holed-up with mass quantities of chips and ramen?
Perhaps he no longer cares, as he is leaving in two weeks, but I do. And, he will find out just how much I care when he comes home from school.
Now, back to the art. Ariana was sleeping when I got there, but woke up about halfway through, just as I was approaching the nude sketches. With visions of her screaming "tushie" or "peepee" or "boobie"; breaking the absolute silence that enveloped us as we walked from piece to piece, I quickened my step until we were safely in the area exhibiting various letters and postcards sent between Modigliani and his girlfriend, fellow artist Jenne Hebuterne, shown in the painting above. We finished the exhibit in silence and made our way home.
Now - to prepare, as I FEEL A LECTURE COMING ON.................