Sunday, June 17, 2007

"You'd think these things would come with a mute button"

...............said Jed referring to Ariana during one of her random and endless monologues, which I'm sure contained valuable information and words of wisdom that we would have been amazed at could we have understood her.

This is their last day together as brother-san is leaving tomorrow for the states, where he shall remain for his senior year of high school. It is sad on several levels, most notably though is his connection to Ariana. Their relationship has been slow to evolve, like a ballet where the dancers gradually move toward each other, then run away only to eventually join together. It's been a joy to watch.

This is also Father's Day - and a better one they could not find. He proved himself again today as getting dressed was proving to be more than a little difficult for the little one. DeeDee (as in Diva DiLaura) made an appearance:

"No, NO, NOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!" it seemed none of her pretty little dresses would do. Lately she prefers pants, mostly jeans, and was having a hard time understanding that today was special and jeans would not do. I left her to let her be "DeeDee" for awhile and Baba-san entered. A few minutes later, not only was she in a very pretty dress, but was sitting down quietly putting on her shoes (not the little Ugg like boots she wanted to wear) without a tear being shed. Because Baba-san was taking care of everything.

You see, it's the little things that count. The soft voice explaining about how wearing a dress today " would be so nice". The reading, the piggy back rides, the Baba-dancing at bed time.

Shortly after I met Baba-san (before he was Baba-san) and very shortly after I met Jed and Kelsey, I witnessed a conversation between the three of them that made me realise what a good father he was. It was a difficult conversation and it could have gone so many unhealthy ways. He could have lied. He could have lashed out in anger. But it didn't. He was honest and straightforward. The words he used showed me how much he cared about his children, how much he respected them, how much he loved them.

I fell in love with him on that day.

And now I get the pleasure every day to see that same care and love and respect.

I picked good.

Happy Father's Day Baba!!!!

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