Sunday, December 03, 2006

Daddy's Little Girl

Just because baba-san isn't here doesn't mean his presence is forgotten. Ariana displayed a very intense interest in the calculator at the pearl store earlier today, practically grabbing it out of the saleswoman's grasp and it took awhile before she relinquished it:

After a sumptuous buffet breakfast on the 2nd floor of the hotel:

we all met to do the paperwork that makes up the American portion of the adoption - basically to get her into the U.S. Ariana amused herself with raisins, which she either 1) ate whole 2) took little bites of, or 3) threw down as not worthy.

We also took a walk down the streets around the White Swan, a quaint and quiet area compared to the center of town. We bought the first of many pairs of shoes - for Ariana - they are about $3-4 a pair, so there is absolutely no guilt involved.

Dinner tonight was with some of the group at a Thai restaurant where Ariana dined with her own little fork on a mango milkshake, pumpkin sticks, chicken,noodles, lamb and chocolate ice cream. Now, a good portion of all of the above ended up in places other than her mouth (her lap, the chair, the floor) but enough got into her mouth that I am sure she is not starving.

and finally, the smile.....

which came from tickling her tummy and almost made me cry...OK, so it did make me cry, I admit it...

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