While not sleeping, she is having much fun getting to know her grandparents
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Where for art thou Sleep...
Anything close to a schedule is mearly a hopefully wish these days. Here I sit at 3:36 a.m. being woken up by the insistent cry of a certain someone who has had enough of her crib for now, not taking into account the parents who have to wake up to entertain said person. We are taking turns getting up. Last night was Arny's turn. He got to experience major poopy diaper and I must say handled it quite well. I was sort of awake listening and was half expecting him to wake me up, but no - he did it without any help and only minor grumbling. Tonight is my turn. We eat, play, read, change many diapers, play with the cellphone (her playing, me taking it away from her before she calls Uganda) and finally, when she decides that she is ready for sleep again, we fall back into bed.
While not sleeping, she is having much fun getting to know her grandparents
, exploring, watching the birds by the lake, trying on clothes - both hers and her fathers and chewing on her toothbrush, which is now one of her favorite toys. We had a lovely visit with Michelle, Evan and Mia - Arny explained to the girls what happens when big companies get corrupt while playing the documentary "Enron - The Smartest Guys in the Room" and the girls explained the fine points of Tellitubbies. Everyone learned a little something.

While not sleeping, she is having much fun getting to know her grandparents
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Mark and I were just talking this morning about sleep wondering how we made it through the first 8 months. Or actually I was wondering how I made it through the first 8 mothns as I was getting up two or three times a night to nurse Maya (and WORKING full-time through much of that time).
But what brought that up was the fact that with no assistance or encouragement from us, Maya as taken to sleeping from about 7:30pm until 7:30am!!! This is without waking up at all. I am sure it won't last forever but we are enjoying it while we can. She's also become a great napper -- something that has been elusive since birth!
Anyway, I am not writing this to make you feel bad but to give you encouragement. Once Ariana is settled back in Japan and is on a regular schedule, she'll probably start sleeping more. And she may turn into a great sleeper after all.
Never put anything in writing about your child's habits! As soon as I wrote this comment, Maya decided not to nap for two days!
Those previous posts were from ME! Debra - The whole thing came up in Japanese and I just pressed whatever button came up and realized it was anonymous after. You probably figured it out anyway.
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