Friday, December 01, 2006

Just a Quick Note

Tonight is our final night in Nanchang and my final night with the boys. Arny and Jed leave tomorrow for Tokyo as Jed has school and preparation for finals.

We had a group dinner at the wonderful restaurant around the corner and celebrated all of our accomplishments and joy. We leave early tomorrow for Guangzhou and the U.S. portion of the adoption. Basically, just more paperwork. Ariana has her Chinese passport and will be ready to go once she gets the visa at the U.S. consulate. I am looking forward to leaving Nanchang and getting on with the process.

But, I am terrified at the prospect of having all of the responsibility in Guangzhou. Husband-san makes a wonderful teammate in this parenting game and his presence will be sorely missed. And Jed in turning into a terrific big brother.

Our little girl is showing herself alittle each day and it is so exciting to see. She actually let us put her down in her crib tonight, on the third try. Perhaps she is feeling more secure.

Some memories of Nanchang: the rooster alarm clock, the dog meat on the menu in the hotel dining room, the women on the street who chastise us for not covering up our babies enough; people cooking their lunch in front of their stores; the people who look at us with such intense interest. Most of all, it is the place where we were united with the most amazing child, one I hope you will all meet very soon.

I will try my best to write in Nanchang, however with a two year old alone, I'm not sure just how much I'll get done..

the adventure continues.................

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