Husband-san, Jed-san and the moving crew astounded everyone by getting the queen size boxspring up 9 flights of a near spiral staircase, all the while several of the parties taking place at Happoen, a reception hall with a clear view of the staircase and the boxspring leaning dangerously over the side, watched in amusement. Sad to say, the couch didn’t make it. When they told us the only way to get in up to the apartment was to rent a crane; the cost of which would be basically the same as getting a new one, we opted for the new couch. We kept the pillows and cushions from the old one, so now, in a flashback to our college apartments, we are grovin out to a lovely view of Tokyo on a makeshift sofa. Well, perhaps not grovin out to the view, as Jed's computer withdrawal has officially ended and he is looking nowhere but his computer screen and husband-san just sits and wonders "perhaps a 12 step program is in order?".

I am now in a mad rush to wash all of the sheets and towels so we can sleep and wash in comfort tonight. It turns out we have one washer/dryer unit just like we had in the other one and a separate additional dryer stacked on top of each other. It will come in handy when I am on my way out and can leave and come back to a fully dry, but horribly wrinkled load of laundry.
Tomorrow, while Jed is off to his first day of school and Arny to work, I will be busy reading manuals for everything from the dishwasher to the air conditioner.
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