When one is in a big city like Tokyo, there is the feeling one must be busy all the time. There is so much to see, to do, to buy. I've been feeling this pressure to get out and see it all - there is a shrine I haven't seen!! - what about all those museums; I've only been to a few!! - the beach; I haven't been yet. I must go!!!!
I realized today that the next few days are going to be the last in a long time - in a very long time - in a "better take advantage of this now because the next time will be when I'm old and senile" long time where I have absolutely nothing to do. Jed arrives on Tuesday and we will hopefully be moving the following week, followed by what I sincerely hope will be the baby news we have been waiting for...Forever. After that, free time will definitely be over.
So, I am officially not planning anything and will be lounging around for the next four or five days. I will be wallowing in laziness, relishing the lack of any type of organization, luxuriating in naptimes, savoring my afternoon baths, and treasuring the solitude that will be lost in the wonder of children arriving and causing all sorts of wonderful chaos.
I would write more, but I feel a nap coming on..............
On a semi serious note, I sort of thought I wouldn't have any time to do anything once Mia came. At the beginning, that was kind of true - until I found a rhythm - So, I've been going to yoga in the late evening (courtesy of Evan coming home by 7ish so I can make an 8pm class), making it to the gym, taking Mia to some museums, etc. Haven't been able to do much shopping - which is fine since I am on UNPAID leave. Looking back on it, the first month home was stressful. I'm saying that now only in retrospect, 'cause I didn't feel totally crazed then, it just seems easier now.
All this to say, yes, enjoy your relaxation time. You get relaxation time when the baby comes, but it's different - not in a bad way, just in a different way.
By the way, I'll expect a picture of whatever you've been crocheting.
You never know the personality of your baby. Some of them sleep all the time and some go-go-go. I say sleep now while you have the chance!
Any day I get a full eight hours sleep and get to stay in bed later than 6:30am is like Christmas! And this is from a Mom whose baby sleeps well at night. It just seems like the only time I get to do anything is after she's asleep -- laundry, knit, email, etc.
But this is not a complaint at all. I spent about 30 minutes playing hide-and-seek under a blanket on our bed with Maya tonight and at some moment it just hit me -- this is pure joy. The love you feel for your children is amazing.
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