While most kids take about 17 years to hate their mothers, I achieved that feat in all of 3 minutes!! For awhile anyway. Once she realized she was being held by someone other than her nanny, she displayed the full range of a most heathy set of lungs that only stopped when Daddy san stepped in

See how calm and quiet she looks holding her little stuffed animal....

After an absolutely disasterous picture session, we made it back to the hotel where Jed and Daddy san undressed her. She was reluctant to let go of the shoes however (just like her mamma) so they left them on for awhile.
She spent about thirty minutes walking back and forth from the bathroom to the kitchen, exploring everything.

Dearest Jennifer -
Ariana is adorable beyond words!! Our sincerest congratulations.
Congratulations, my friend. You look like a natural with that diaper.
Dear Jen,
Dreams do come true! Ariana is so precious, and you truly look so comfortable and confident.
We love you,
Julie, Stu & jack
You all look like you belong together! And Jennifer, you and the diaper... just perfect! Many, many joyous tears looking at those photos. And by the way, she's gorgeous, looks curious and alert. I love the picture in the crib.
Be well, enjoy, enjoy this time - it is like no other. love and hugs to everyone.
Hi Mom,
You look like a woman who was meant to do this. Ariana is beautiful. Jed looks like he has been waiting to not be the youngest. Arnie looks very comfortable.
Love and our deepest wishes for a lifetime of happiness with Ariana.
What a wonderful way to end this day or any day. Just looking at the pictures of all of you gave me a wonderful feeling of peace and contentment
YAAAAAAAYYYY!!!!She looks happy already! She's so beautiful! You guys are so beautiful! Everything is beautiful! Oh, I'm going to cry right now!!!It's all so beautiful, isn't it? WAAAAAHHHH!!! Okay, I should stop. What I really want to say is...
Wahhhhh!!! I can't believe this day has arrived. I guess the world can resume spinning now. We are sending lots of long distant kisses to you,Arnie,Jed and my new little niece Ariana.
OK, it's 1 am and I'M LOOKING FOR AN UPDATE!! What?! a mother for 24 hours and already you've forgotten your your adoring public??!! Sheesh.
It does feel very natural, even if she hates me right now....just think of how much guilt I'll be able to throw back at her when she's older!!!
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