Saturday, November 25, 2006

Yes, It is Great

The Wall that is. After a quick stop at the Temple of Heaven, where I had my first meltdown as we saw a family with their Chinese daughter and I realized in 48 hours, that will be us, we made our way out to Mutianyu portion of the Great Wall. Today was the first snow in Beijing, and because that kept a lot of tourists away, we had the wall practically to ourselves.

these are some of the steps we had to climb. Yes, so in 48 hours, actually less than that as I just found out we will see our daughter for the first time at 11am on Monday, I will be a mom.

Since I have been here, I have been looking at women of all ages thinking "that could be Ariana". In a way, she is all of these women as this is her culture, her heritage, her beginnings. Brent explained today that the Chinese people's ways are influenced by both Buddhism and the teaching of Confucius - a combination of kindness and harmony. This is something I want to teach her, as her culture is more than pretty silk dresses, Chinese dance classes and Chinese New Year. This will also be the most difficult to teach, as we will be living in a very different environment. But I will try, because it is part of who she is.

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