She woke up early and I picked her up from her crib - she was fine and I just held her for a long time. We laid down on the bed together - her lying on top of me. She said "mam" in this little soft voice. She slept for a little while. She started to get restless again so we got up and walked, and sat, and walked some more. We went into the kitchen where she found the little packets of butter in the fridge and drank two bottles of milk (yes!!!). We went and sat in the bathroom, where we played with stuff and I used the little aspirator on her nose to suction out some of the gunk (ok, that is just gross!!) As a side note: yesterday when she was standing next to Baba san's side of the bed, she was picking her nose and then wiping it on the sheet - I thought this was hysterical; he was not happy.
Then we went and sat on the chair and almost fell asleep. When I tried to put her down, she suddenly woke up and kind of snapped, realizing it was me. Fun time over. She started screaming "mama", "mama" as if she was looking for someone and that's when it dawned on me.
After seeing her former caregivers yesterday, one of whom she likely thought of as her mama, she is just not ready to accept me as that yet. So, for now, Baba san and Jed are taking over:

Jed got right down to important business by letting her watch a James Bond movie followed by "Aquateen Hunger Force" with him while Arny takes a shower. From the look of it, she is quite enthralled - I will continue to provide her food and they will refer to me as "mama".
Thank you all for your kind words and support, both here and via email. I appreciate you all taking the time to share your experience and it does help tremendously. Feel free to continue to do so either here or by email - I am reading them all.
stay tuned.......................
The picture is priceless! Such an inquisitive expression! She also looks perfectly content sitting there next to her big brother. It's only been, like, what, 48 hrs? Ah, how time flies... and stands still.
And yes, the snot sucker. Now I can officially say, "welcome to motherhood". For me, the poopie diapers are a breeze in comparison to the whole runny-nose-snot-everywhere-even-in-the food-business. I must say, though, that I'm loving every disgusting moment.
Your adoring public awaits the next update...(no pressure!)
I'm sure I'm not the only one to advise patience. Slowly but surely.
In the meantime, enjoy the schizophrenia of it all.
I enjoy reading your entries a great deal.
Hi Jennifer;
And hang on in there!
All the dinner gals in Tokyo and thinking of you
Hi Jennifer -
Your blog is so much fun to read - you describe everything in such great detail I feel I'm there with you. Hang in there - the bonding process is interesting and fun. I'll be in your shoes soon - referrals are on their way from China and we are on pins and needles. I'm staying off all the sites until our agency sends us official news about "the call".
In Hawaii, I think I drove past your hotel. If it's the right one, it's stroller walking to the big shopping center "A la Moana". Good location!
You go Mama!!
was just re reading your post from today (yesterday?) about you holding ariana and her almost falling asleep - and then her waking up and starting to cry....
that happens with mia all the time. she'll be perfectly content resting on me - almost sleeping in fact, and when i go to put her down she starts to bloody murder.
maybe it's not tht ariana was calling for some unknown mother. maybe she was wanting to be close to you.... just a thought.
Hang in there! It sounds like you two are making progress to me. I think it'll get a lot easier for both of you when there aren't nannies around to remind her. She'll bond in time. She's a beautiful, beautiful little girl, by the way. And I think it's very cool that Jed is doing what he can, too. You're a lucky woman!
Malinda (from the dinner group)
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