The nannies from the orphanage were there and all gathered around Ariana to say hello. They kept pointing to me saying "Mama, Mama". That's when the trouble started....I went to pick her up and she started crying..Arny took her from me and from then on, I can't get near her. I tried holding her for awhile and she just cried. I thought perhaps she was just grieving, but she stopped as soon as Arny took her from me. I went out to the store and when I came back she was sleeping. When she woke up she saw me and started howling (welcome to motherhood!!) Arny took her and she stopped. Then, as you can see, they fell asleep peacefully. Everyone woke up to get ready to go out, but as I was trying to dress her she was crying so hysterically, I left without husband san or Ariana.
I did what every self respecting mother does when shunned by their children...I went shopping!! To Walmart of all places to buy some more diapers and other assorted things. I'm back now and she is staring at me as she walks by really fast. At least she is not braking out in hysterics anymore.
This is actually a very normal reaction in adoption. The children will attach to one parent or the other. I know this in my head and I know it won't last.
But it's my heart that is hurting right now.
Welcome to Motherhood! Ariana looks beautiful and like a typical 2 year old, adores her Daddy. I am sure she will soon realize that mama is more than just a word she's never been able to identify with until now! You all look so happy. Congratulations! I can't wait to see you and hug Ariana. Keep posting. Angelina can't wait to play with her new friend.
love to all - Lori
Weep, weep, weep --Oh pookie- it's not
sounds like you've got a real toddler on your hands! How wonderful that she's latching on to Arny. She has the ability to connect and be comforted (the picture of her sleeping on Arny's chest is magnificent), and that's the most important thing.
Stay with her - even if you have to keep some physical distance. No one knows what goes on in those baby brains. She's processing the transition, and hey, if I were her, I'd latch on to the cute guy too.
Oh, and ps,she's no longer a 'glamour don't'!
Yes my dear, welcome to parenthood! Please believe that this is all very temporary. Soon enough you yourself will be counseling another mother-to-be on how you survived this brief experience. And isn't it so precious to have a wonderful partner like Arnie for all the women in the family to hold onto? Give her some time to sort things out in her beautiful head. You and I know that her life is changing for the better. I think that's very good advice that Michelle is giving you in her comment about staying with her. And remember, doll what's not to love about you?
Well I think she looks just like you.
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