Monday, July 03, 2006

Arny's View of Tokyo

Banking Adventures

"I opened a bank account. I can get you a duplicate cash (ATM) card so you can access the account also, but you will need to be here and have the form that says you have applied for the alien registration card.

(got slightly lost trying to find the subway station to go to the bank- finally get to the branch, and its closed. Get on the ATM
phone, and complain that Website said they were open on Saturday -
find out the open office is 1/2 block away, so go there and open the
account. When I mention giving my wife a cash card on the account,
the account officer (a woman) asks me 'do you trust her?')"

NOTE: In Japan, joint bank accounts do not exist. The husband opens the account in his name and gives access to his wife.

Shopping Adventures

"Went to market and made dinner in the apartment - had to guess
what the salad dressing was (in fact had to guess that it was in fact
salad dressing at all) but it was, and was vaguely Italian. (not bad)

Could not for the life of me find rice in the supermarket, and could
not summon the courage to ask.

I also bought what I think is laundry detergent - we have a
combination washer-dryer in the apartment."

Street Signs

"You will see some very funny signs here. My favorite so far is in the plaza next to the apartment, every 20 feet or so is a sign which says "No Peeing" in both Enlish and Japanese."

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