Thursday, July 27, 2006

To Pass the Time

So as to not sit in front of the computer trolling for answers about my impending motherhood and get my mind off the chaos that would ensue if we actually got our referral this month, I did the only thing I could think of that would occupy my mind - I went shoe shopping - to an area called Shinjuku - a crazy, busier than Times Square where there is actually a mini-Empire State Building and more stores than Ginza. The subway station has 14 different exits and I even though I was there for over three hours, I barely left the station, even after visiting several department stores and mall areas. The best was Lumine, a seven or eight story building that had little boutiques on each floor. It had Kelsey's name written all over it as the clothing was the young and hip (I am slowly coming to the sad and pitiful conclusion that I am neither of those things anymore). I then headed over to Takashimiya and after circling around and around the shoe department, finally selected a very comfortable pair of flats. Me, in flats!, but after my little spill down the stairs, I am determined not to have that happen again. Plus, I am walking so much I really need shoes that are not going to hurt my feet.

So of course, I wore them out today for the first time today and promptly got two lovely little blisters on my feet - I just can't win.

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