yes, that Denny's - you are reading correctly
Today Husband-san’s colleague Stuart took us around and showed us more of our new neighborhood and Tokyo in general. Prior to returning to his almost native San Francisco, he lived here for about two years and his apartment was not far from where our new one is. We started our day at Denny's for an American breakfast; bacon, eggs, sausage and toast – delish!!
Then, we wondered around Meguro, the next town over from ours. He showed us the good market and fruit stand, the yoga studio and good Thai restaurant that is all a nice walk or quick subway ride away. Unfortunately, his favorite Ramen shop closed down (sorry Jed!). We walked back to the subway station in Shrokanedai for a subway ride on the JR line (the train that runs around the main part of Tokyo – kind of like the Beltway in DC) to BIC camera, a huge electronic and well, a little bit of everything store. We wondered around from floor to floor looking for cables and headsets, passing children’s toys, kitchen appliances and wine on the way. They had the biggest selection of IPOD paraphernalia I have ever seen.
Back on the JR line, we made our way to Ebisu, another area close to where we will live. We stopped at the English language used bookstore, a crowded and airless space on the third floor of a small office building. They have the largest selection of English language books and it’s great if you can find what you want. By 3pm we were all wiped, as the humidity gets to everyone after a few hours out running around.
Nap time!!!
hey jen-
Sorry i haven't posted in a while, but i have been reading your adventures with interest. Have you noticed that many of your posts revolve around food? Of course, this is great for me because i'm fascinated by how Western garbage food has permeated the East and is now creating big fat Western health problems there. What can you tell us about obesity rates in Tokyo and it's environs? Do they make their 'refritos' in ussaturated oil or do they use plain old lard?? Just wondering.
On an unrelated note (sort of), do they serve Cheerios in Denny's because Mia has now officially fed them to herself!! This little event was SO the highlight of my weekend, and Hilary actually got the moment on a little digital camera video. Don't you like how I segued into talking about my daughter??
Am with my parents' for the whole week. Evan just left. My mom offered me wine with dinner, but I think I'm going straight for the hard stuff. CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!! hugs to you...Michelle
Yeah Mia!!!!!!!!
And did I read correctly, you turned down wine???????
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