Yes, food shopping here is expensive. Especially if you go to one of the several "International Supermarkets", which carry many items ex-pats can't seem to do without. Saw $15 cantalopes, $22 bottles of Tide detergent, $7 containers of blueberries, $9 boxes of Ziploc bags and poor Tess - she will no longer be eating Science Diet dog food when she arrives because it costs $16 a bag. Japanese items are not expensive, so if you can figure out exactly what you are buying you can do well. Surprisingly, there are some american foods that are not expensive....Jed, unlike Tess, your primary food source, Ritz crackers, are available at a normal price.
Intimidating, but brilliant once you get the hang of it. Thanks to my friend Jan, I learned that the entire system is coordinated and by looking at the subway map, you can determine what car to get into in order to get out at the correct exit for whereever it is you are going. Just like in New York, there are many entrances to each subway station. But unlike New York, you can figure how to get closest to where you need to be by looking at the signs in the subway. Each exit is numbered. You simply you get in the car with the same number. How is that possible, you wonder? Each subway car is numbered and the platform is numbered. When the subway enters the station and stops, the cars are automatically alligned with the numbers on the platform. When you get to where you are going, there are large signs listing major buildings, stores, monuments and the correct exit. And the best part? It is in English!!
They are adorable. And, very little ones about 6 or 7 are on the trains by themselves. Again, thanks to Jan, I found out that as part of the education system here, children are required to take public transportation to school. Given the fact the city is so safe, kids go by themselves. And they wear really cute little uniforms too.

What? You have another friend? Already? OK, I'm jealous! Well, tomorrow I'm meeting MY new friend Suzanne at MOMA. I met her in China with her new daughter Elizabeth.
Glad to hear someone's showing you the ropes, but really, if you start having cosmos with her, I'll go over the edge.
Oh Pookie,
I would never be un'cosmo'faithful
to you.....I am patiently waiting for you to show up so we can hit the vending machines!!
ok, i feel better now. and i promise to drink only white wine with my new pal.
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